Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Been There, Done that! But Just To Remind You... You're Worth It!

Every morning, I take public transit to get myself to work. The busy bustle of Broadway Station, everyone is in a rush to make their transfers on time and if you travel with any type of transit in the Lower Mainland, you all know that there are the Metro Newpaper and 24 Newspaper employees that give you free papers to bring with you along your commute to work/school.

I grabbed my copy of the 24 and proceeded to the Milenium line platform, boarded my train. I sat down and began rustling through the papers with all the news pointing towards the 2010 Olympics, which is just literally 2 days away. I came across an article on the 5th page titled: " Love Starts/Ends Within" by Amy Chan ( She is a Vancouver resident that writes a very lovely and witty blog in regards to current trends, "how to's", and sharing personal experiences to let us all know... "Hey, I've been there, too!"

This particular piece of writing, I can kinda relate to in ways that it speaks of how going through hardships.Whether it be with, friends, family, colleagues and in most cases relationships with that momentarily " special person", sometimes works out for both parties and at times, have you feeling at your worst. The process of "dealing" will always be unique to each individual and situation for there are so many different factors, senarios and possiblilities that can be included which would give you different results. At the far end of it, there are times in our lives where we go through what feels like EVERYTHING, we tend to lose sight of what, who, where and why we are. Amy reminds us that self-reflection is a big part of our growth process, for it shapes us into the person we look at in the mirror each morning, lets not forget, this learning experience is a never ending internal battle with oneself. She also reminds us to never lose sight of ourself, no one is perfect and those little ittty bitty flaws of yours are what makes you ...well, you. An inspirational piece I must say, for the ones that have kinda lost sight of themselves, or even for the ones that just need a friendly reminder... this ones for you! - "Love Starts & Ends Within