Thank you Junior for my very 1st SF hoodie!
We went out late the night before and went to some little town into a little cut bar, posted up at the bar and watched the last half of the Celtics VS Lakers game and ate some good pizza and wings! The bar itself was kinda dead but everyone there was watching the game and was madd hating on the Lakers ( AS EVERYONE SHOULD... but let's not get into that. Lakers fans: We'll agree to disagree, mmk?). I have to say, the irish bartender made me some of the best highballs I've ever had: Double Rum with diet coke and pineapple - Tastes like sugar cane.. real talk! Then the next concoctions he made was called the " Bananarama" which consistent of captain morgan, peach schnapps, organge juice and pineapple juice- AMAZING! I highly recommend it!
After that, they took me to a bunch of lovely spots: we went to Stow Lake, where Junior was telling me and Boogs about " The Lady in White" - the whole shabam about that is that this lady had 2 kids and they went off into the lake and were playing, but drowned. Shes apparently still earthbound and lingers around the lake looking for her kids. Unfortunately, we didnt get to see " The Lady In White" but we did see the statue of her and her kids, it was kinda freaky! hahaha Junior tried to scare the shit outta me, but ended up freaking out Boogie; you just kinda had to be there.

On the top of Turtle Hill
We then proceeded to Turtle Hill: not a tourist spot, but its where all the locals go to see the beautiful view of most of SF. Its a pretty high spot cause there were madd flights of stairs... i think i worked off all the good food i ate that day. it was hella windy and we chilled there and had a couple smokes and then bounced.

this picture doesn't justify how beautiful Coit Tower looks.
Next spot we went to was Coit Tower, that was amazing to see at night... HOLY MOLY! i wish i brought my SLR at the time because i would have been able to get many sick shots, i did manage to get some dope shots with the blackberry, so i'll post those up when i get home. stayed there for a bit and then proceeded to the crocked street in SF - Lombard street. Boogie and Junior told me to drive down... I said " HA. F*ck that noise!" it was pretty crazy... if you were drunk... driving down that thing would sober you up, for sure! after that... we just called it a night! END OF DAY 2!!!
Alright, Day 3... I'll write that up later on tonight, I took tons of Dope pictures, so ya'll are in for a treat! Stay Tuned!